Judicial Claim Services


What types of cases does Judicial Claim Services LLC specialize in?
Judicial Claim Services LLC offers a wide range of Services from identification of funds to claim retrieval, we have it all for you , we offer our services for people who lost their properties in a auction no matter if auction was for mortgage foreclosure sale or a tax deed sale, either way we can assist you to recover the money.

Surplus Funds and Excess Proceeds are the remaining profit after a foreclosure, whether you didn’t pay your taxes or your mortgage. The County or Trustee can only keep what was due; any amount that is over that is legally due to the previous owner and heirs.

Tax deed sales are property auctions conducted by counties in the state to recover unpaid taxes and associated fees and interest and penalties.

If your home is foreclosed and you still owe funds, such as the remaining mortgage balance or additional fees, you may be responsible for paying those debts. Depending on the circumstances, the lender may pursue legal actions to recover the remaining debt so you should Call us Now to start the recovery process as soon as possible.

At JCS LLC, we are dedicated to recovering tax auction as well as mortgage foreclosure surplus funds for our clients and preventing lenders from collecting a portion or all your funds by submitting claims ASAP. We have decades of experience in this field, and an unblemished reputation for reliability, honesty and excellence. The counties holding these funds are not expert in assisting owners/claimants and are limited in their obligations (and knowledge) in providing guidance. Working with us best ensures success.

We work on a contingency basis. That means we only get paid when you get paid. We will cover all of the costs during the process including but not limited to filing fees, court costs, attorney fees, notaries, and postage up front so you will never have to be out of pocket and you will get the full share agreed upon when the check is issued.

It varies from state to state, some counties requires to wait a mandatory 120 days from time of auction and surplus notification to disperse funds, others may take upto 6 months, every case is different from each other so it varies case to case as well, some can take 30 days while some may take upto an year like in some counties of CA.

The county is required to notify the owners of an upcoming sale. However, it is only required to mail notice to the address on file with the tax collector or tax appraiser. Counties are not required to search for a current address or undertake more extensive means to locate a property owner.